Medicines should normally be administered to your child at home, fitting doses around the school day. However, if this is not possible, parents are welcome to administer medicine to their child at lunchtime. [Please telephone the office or speak to a member of the office staff at the beginning of the day if you are planning to do this.]
Some medicines are required to be given regularly to enable a child to attend school. Exceptionally, First Aiders are able to administer this, provided it has been agreed by the Headteacher and a ‘Parental Request for Rumboldswhyke CE Primary School to Administer Medicine’ has been completed. Normally, in these circumstances, a Health Care Plan would also be in place.
Parents with children who suffer from Asthma will need to complete an Asthma Medication Form, stating the details of their child’s condition and the Ventolin dosage required. Any inhaler kept in school must be labelled with the child’s name and date of birth. All inhalers are stored in a box, in the staffroom, out of reach of children. Children will have access to their inhalers at all times, with support from a First Aider.
The School Health Service Guidance to Schools states that children who are undergoing a course of medication should not normally be in school until treatment is complete. However, the child sometimes appears to have recovered before the medicine is finished. In this situation we are advised that it is usually possible for doses to be fitted around the school day.
No medicines / throat sweets / lip balm or ointments of any kind should be brought to the school by the children.
All medicines should be given to the First Aiders in their original containers and should never be left in school bags.
If you have any queries about any of these procedures, please do not hesitate to contact us.