Religious Education at Rumboldswhyke Church of England Primary School


Religious education has a unique place as a central subject in the curriculum of Rumboldswhyke Church of England school. The aim of Religious Education at our school is to help children acquire and develop a deep, broad and balanced understanding about Christianity and principal religions in Great Britain; to appreciate the way that religious beliefs shapes life and behaviour, develop the ability to make reasoned and informed judgements about religious and moral issues and enhance their spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

Religious education actively promotes the values of truth, justice, respect for all and care of the environment. It places specific emphasis on:

  • pupils valuing themselves and others.
  • the role of family and the community in religious belief and activity.
  • the celebration of diversity in society through understanding similarities and differences.
  • sustainable development of the earth and care for creation.


Rumboldswhyke Church of England School follows the agreed West Sussex Syllabus for Education. The children are taught the following main world religions: Christianity, Judaism, Islam and Hinduism. The children will be encouraged to reflect critically on the core Christian values and will make connections between biblical stories and their own lives.


What we expect you to see:

  • reflective learners who make links between the religious stories they read/ hear and their own lives.
  • learners who listen and respond appropriately to the views of others.